About the MAINSOC project

Work Pakages

Project Management and Coordination

Project Management and Coordination – WP1 focuses on the organisational, administrative and financial management of the project.

Its main aim is to ensure that the project meets all its objectives on time, at a high level of quality and within the allocated budget. WP1 will be in charge of :

  • overseeing the implementation of the project, including the organisation of the events.
  • managing and facilitating a continuous flow of information and exchange between the project and the DG Employment Officer in charge of the project, as well as among the consortium and with other related activities.
  • Supervising the scientific quality of the research outputs

Real Wage and Distributional Impacts of the Inflation crisis. The role of institutions in explaining National and Sectoral Differences in the EU

WP 2 provides the framework for the MAINSOC project and the research carries out by the project.

More specifically:

  • it will analyse real wage developments in the EU before, during and after the inflation shock.
  • it will also study the distributional impacts of the Inflation crisis, with a focus on wage inequalities, but also on sectoral differences in the EU.
  • it will analyse these findings at the light of institutional differences in the context of the single currency area.

WP3: Incomes policy responses to the inflation crisis: types and involvement of social partners – WP3

Incomes policy responses to the inflation crisis: types and involvement of social partnersWP3 analyses the type of incomes policies in the six countries studied in the project. Adopting a broad definition of incomes policies, this WP.

  • investigates those policies implemented by governments in order to manage the increase in inflation, paying particular attention to two key instruments: public sector wages and the minimum wage.
  • analyses the involvement of social partners in these policies as well as the existence of incomes policies agreements or pacts.

WP4: Collective bargaining responses and adaptation to the inflation crisis

Collective bargaining responses and adaptation to the inflation crisis -WP4 analyses the responses of collective bargaining to the inflation crisis. The analysis will be carried out in two sectors selected on the basis of evidence gathered in WP2.
This WP analyses:

  • the way in which sectoral and company agreements have reacted to the inflation by looking into
    • the processes leading to negotiate new wage settlements and
    • the type of wage clauses included in collective agreements.
  • the way in which collective bargaining is adapting to a new scenario of moderate inflation through the inclusion of new clauses in collective agreements, changes in the duration of these clauses or any other form of adaptation.

WP5: Communication, Dissemination and Policy Impact

Communication, Dissemination and Policy Impact – WP5 is in charge of ensuring the dissemination of results coming out from the project. The aim of WP5 is to ensure that the project activities and outputs are widely promoted to the target groups at national and European level. This WP includes all the activities to disseminate the results of the project beyond the research community and paying particular attention to practitioners, social partners and government officials.