Managing Inflation crisis through Social Dialogue
MAINSOC is a joint project of 6 partner organizations from five countries financed by the European Commission under Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL) Programme.

About The MAINSOC Project
After two decades of low inflation levels and wage moderation, Europe is facing an unprecedented increase in cost of living and the risk of stagflation. The inflation shock is eroding employees’ purchasing power, particularly at the bottom of the wage scale. Calls have been made by national and EU-level actors for governments and social partners to manage the current inflation crisis through negotiated incomes policies and collective bargaining.
Facts In Brief

Funding organisation
European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL)

Time Frame
December 2023 – November 2025

Project coordinator
Oscar Molina
Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

The MAINSOC project incorporates a strong international and transnational dimensions, so the project will carry in-depth analysis of government responses, role of social dialogue and collective bargaining adaptation in six countries belonging to different industrial relations models. In order to analyse the 6 countries, the consortium involves 6 research centres as applicant and co-applicants.
Latest News
Kick-off meeting
The Kick-off meeting will be held in Barcelona. The Kick-off meeting constitutes a key event…
First coordination meeting
The first coordination meeting will be held in Copenhagen. The coordination meeting has two main…
International Workshop
The coordination meeting will be held in Bologna. The coordination meeting in Bologna has a…